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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nori and Chi

King Neptune and His Court


Dancing Faeries

Chi and Bella


XMAS tree shopping

Evil XMAS tree

Bad Santa

Monday, November 22, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

At the risk of offending the Greenies

The earth does not care about what we do to it, it is a planet for Pete's sake. It is not our mother.

To paraphrase Robert Charles Wilson;
The greenhouse effect and humans are like a cancer or plaque on the earth.
(maybe that will mitigate the ire)

For all you wordophiles out there-you know who you are

and of course A word a Day from Anu Garg, the Indian chap who learned English that because he heard that if you learn a new word every day, after a year the language was yours

Did you ever wonder what the term is for the # sign

It is called an Octothorpe.

And the wavy thingy I use for my shark or sailboat that appears at the bottom of my email is a tilde.


Thanx Bill.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Anomie-absence of social norms and values, as in the case of uprooted people
Tristesse- melancholy
Frangible- fragile, frail
Spilth- refuse; trash
Chiarosco- deep variations in and subtle gradations of light and shade
Menhir- upright monumental stone standing either alone or with others
Puissance- power, might, or force
Ceremith-no definition
Tocsin-a bell used to sound an alarm
Sendaline- A type of thin silk cloth.
Formication- a tactile hallucination involving the belief that something is crawling on the body or under the skin
Lambent- softly bright or radiant, dealing lightly and gracefully with a subject; brilliantly playful: lambent wit, running or moving lightly over a surface: lambent tongues of flame
Augury- omen, token, or indication, divination
Crepuscular-twilight; dim; indistinct.Zoology-appearing or active in the twilight, as certain bats and insects.
ArĂȘte-a sharp rugged mountain ridge, produced by glaciation
Bricolage- 1 a construction made of whatever materials are at hand; something created from a variety of available things.2. (in literature) a piece created from diverse resources. 3. (in art) a piece of makeshift handiwork.4. the use of multiple, diverse research methods
Callipygian-Thomas Pynchon wrote in Gravity’s Rainbow: “Those dusky Afro-Scandinavian buttocks, which combine the callipygian rondure observed among the races of the Dark Continent with the taut and noble musculature of sturdy Olaf, our blond Northern cousin”.
Kerfuffle-commotion, disruption, disturbance, flutter, hoo-ha
Flibbertigibbet-a chattering or flighty, light-headed person
Vertiginous-whirling, spinning, causing vertigo
Pulchritude-beautiful, physical comeliness